Thursday, August 9, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

Harold's new home!  It grew about 50 percent.  I added a large branch and deeper water dish.  His food repertoire has expanded: meal-worms, wax worms, crickets, spinach, cilantro, kale and dandelion leaves!!  You can see my meal worm container in the background.  I have new babies!!! Harold says, "Yum!"

Sunday, July 15, 2012

   This is a video on how to give your bearded dragon a bath (Make sure the tap water has no chlorine). Enjoy!
 Keep him/her in the bath for 10-20 min. When you take your bearded dragon out, hold him/her in a clean towel until you think he/she is dry.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Alex (my bearded dragon) loves apples!

     I don't feed Alex apples a lot but today I sliced a piece of apple and chopped it into four pieces and put a piece next to where he was in the morning and the rest in his food bowl. I just moved his cage so he was not eating a lot so I thought he would not eat anything. I came back about 7 hours later and he had eaten all of them. I am going to feed him apples more. Alex loves apples, so maybe your bearded dragon does too.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Why has my bearded dragon stopped eating?

    If your bearded dragon stops eating it may be because he/she is shedding. This is normal for your bearded dragon. Some bearded dragons still eat even when they are shedding. When Alex (my bearded dragon) is shedding, he does not eat. If your bearded dragon is shedding, never pull off his dead skin. It may damage his new skin. Also, when your bearded dragon is shedding, you should give him or her a bath. When I give Alex a bath I put him in warm water (warm to the touch, not boiling) up to his elbow (try not to make it any deeper) for 20 minutes. I put him in an old fish tank, but you can use a tub or the sink. Do NOT put soap in the bath. Always use tap water. Another reason your dragon is not eating may be because you moved his cage, or the things in his cage. He/she will be eating again soon!

Monday, July 9, 2012

What do bearded dragons eat?

   Bearded dragons eat lots of things. I feed Alex (my bearded dragon) kale every morning, and it's his favorite. I also give him chopped up carrots and apples. They also eat: lettuces (not iceberg), peas, green beans, mustard greens, collared greens, beet greens, kale, thawed mixed veggies, dandelion leaves, gray crickets, mealworms, waxworms, giant mealworms, apples, blueberries, other berries, and carrots. Mine eats kale, apples, gray crickets, carrots and blueberries. If you just got him/her and he/she is not eating, it's OK. When you first get your bearded dragon, they may not eat for the first few days because they are getting used to their new home. Also, before you give them any food, (non-living) wash it in tap water.

My bearded dragon's home

  My bearded dragon's home

     This is my bearded dragon's home. It has 2 climbing branches, a rock cave, a big gray rock, small rock, water and food bowl, a thermometer, a piece of bark to bask on, and Alex. My bearded dragon's name is Alex.  His favorite thing to do is eat crickets. I get him about 12 to 20 crickets every seven days (usually on Fridays). Before I give them to him, I put powdered calcium on them to give him calcium. Then I dump the crickets in and he eats them all up. Yummy (to him)!

                                                            This is the calcium I use.