Why has my bearded dragon stopped eating?
If your bearded dragon stops eating it may be because he/she is shedding. This is normal for your bearded dragon. Some bearded dragons still eat even when they are shedding. When Alex (my bearded dragon) is shedding, he does not eat. If your bearded dragon is shedding, never pull off his dead skin. It may damage his new skin. Also, when your bearded dragon is shedding, you should give him or her a bath. When I give Alex a bath I put him in warm water (warm to the touch, not boiling) up to his elbow (try not to make it any deeper) for 20 minutes. I put him in an old fish tank, but you can use a tub or the sink. Do NOT put soap in the bath. Always use tap water. Another reason your dragon is not eating may be because you moved his cage, or the things in his cage. He/she will be eating again soon!
Very interesting. Harold never stops eating even when he is shedding! Maybe it is because he seems to be in a constant state of shedding! I guess he didn't read the memo on shedding!!!